Saturday, August 11, 2007
Bring a friend to the Tuesday Night Talk at the Sarasota Mission
7-8 p.m. Tuesdays
1242 Boulevard fo the Arts - Sarasota, FL 34236
At this series of inter-active talks attendees gain effective knowledge to handle the problems of life.
Upcoming topics:
August 14 - How to Better Any Relationship
August 21 - Improve Memory & Well-Being
August 28 - Exhaustion & Problems of Work
September 4 - The Technology of Study
September 11 - Handling the Ups & Downs of Life
September 18 - Flourish & Prosper
The Tuesday Night Talk is Free and Open to the Public.
You may reserve a seat by calling (941) 706-3292 or via e-mail at
P.S. Do you have a topic you would like to suggest? What area of your life would you most like to change or improve?
Friday, January 26, 2007
Experience Dianetics and get rid of stress!
Enroll now on the Hubbard Dianetics Seminar. Learn the step-by-step procedure millions have used to dramatically and permanently improve their lives in just a few hours. Date: Saturday, February 10th. Time: 1-6 p.m. Price: $35.00 Call 941-926-2466 to enroll and for location.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Brilliant New Release!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Contact us to schedule a showing of the beautifully restored Filmed Interview, An Introduction to Scientology. If you or someone you know would like to know about Scientology then see this film and get the story from the man who founded the most vital movement for betterment on Earth today, L. Ron Hubbard.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Free Personality Test
Take a free online personality test. Your personality has everything to do with your income, your future, your personal relationships, and your life. A test of this kind would normally cost you $500.00 and up. It is offered to you here free of charge as a public service. If you are not happy with life, you can find out why. Start the test today: Free Personality Test.
If you live near Tampa try this link: What is your personality?
The word "Scientology" means “knowing how to know.” Scientology contains knowledge and practical methods for improving life.
If things were a little better known and understood we would all lead happier lives. If we understood others better then we could get along with them better. If a man understood his wife better or a wife understood her husband better then the difficulties in a marriage might be resolved.
Scientology is a practical religion. It may well be the world’s first practical religion. It helps each individual to better understand themselves, their family and friends and the world around them. While other efforts to help Man have tried to solve problems for him, Scientology is different. For it believes that an individual, placed in a position where he can increase his abilities and where he can face and identify the factors in his life more easily, is also able to solve his own problems and so better his life and the lives of those around him.
This is achieved through two basic routes: Scientology Training and Scientology Counseling (known as “Auditing”)
Scientology Training
In Scientology Training one learns basic truths about life and then techniques using these truths to improve one’s life. An example would be one of the Life Improvement Courses, such as the "How to Improve Relationships with Others Course" which amongst other things, teaches
- The three vital components of understanding and how to use them every day
- Two rules for happy living
- How to spot the source of any interpersonal conflict
- The secret to confident and flawless manners, no matter what social circles you associate with.
At the Church of Scientology Mission of Sarasota we deliver all the Scientology Life Improvement Courses, the Scientology Handbook Courses and Scientology Extension Courses for all basic Scientology Books.
Scientology Auditing
Scientology Counseling is called "Auditing". The word "audit" comes from the Latin word "audire" which means "to hear". The person who delivers Scientology Auditing is called an auditor, which means "one who listens". An auditor is a person who is trained and qualified in applying Scientology processes to individuals for their betterment. The word auditing was chosen instead of counseling because an auditor never tells a person what to think about himself or his life, the auditor listens and guides the person to a greater awareness so the person himself can come to his own conclusions and resolve the situations being addressed.
At the Church of Scientology Mission of Sarasota we deliver Introductory Auditing which addresses the areas of a persons life that are giving them the most difficulty.
The word "Dianetics" means "through mind". Dianetics is a methodology which can help alleviate such ailments as unwanted sensations and emotions, irrational fears and psychosomatic illnesses.
When life becomes a battlefield, your best weapon is your mind. Dianetics gives you the knowledge and ability to use that weapon to handle the problems you encounter in life. What is the mind? How do I use my mind more effectively? Why did I act that way? Why was the boss so grumpy today? All these questions and more are answered in Dianetics.
At the Church of Scientology Mission of Sarasota we deliver the Dianetics Seminar, Dianetics Auditing and Dianetics Extension Courses for all basic Dianetics Books.
Contact Us
If you are interested in finding out more about Scientology or are interested in training, auditing, books, DVDs or CDs then contact us:
Church of Scientology Mission of Sarasota,
P.O. Box 2667,
Sarasota, Florida 34230,
Phone: 941-926-2466,
Email: sarasota @
Church of Scientology of Tampa
Our nearest Church of Scientology is in Tampa, just up the coast from Sarasota:
Church of Scientology Tampa
3102 North Habana Ave.
Tampa, FL 33607
Tel: (813) 872-0722
Web Site: Church of Scientology of Tampa